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The GFP Support Service

The goal of the GFP Support Service is to help reducing the impact of floods by connecting scientists/developers of global scale flood risk management tools and models with practitioners.

The Service provides practitioners with access to tools and data based on the latest scientific developments of a global network of researchers in flood risk management (see below for some examples). Researchers will benefit from the service by having access to use case studies that could provide a better understanding of the practitioners needs so future developments can be adjusted accordingly.

The GFP Support Service is based on voluntary contributions of the participants of the GFP mailing list.

When requesting information, activators should be aware that responses are not specifically vetted or coordinated and data/advice provided may be experimental in nature.

What is it about?

When can the GFP Support Service be activated?

The GFP Support Service can be activated for any large scale forecasted or ongoing flood event around the world. Past flood events should not be addressed through a GFP Support Service activation.

Anyone  subscribed to the GFP mailing list can contribute to the GFP SUPPORT SERVICE with data and tools. Remember that contributions are on a voluntary basis and that data/advice may be experimental in nature.


How can the GFP Support Service be activated?

The GFP Support Service can only be activated by persons subscribed to the GFP mailing list. Activations should be made by sending an email to the GFP mailing list, which contains the following minimum information:

Email subject:

GFP activation: Flood event in Country(ies)/Region(s) - Month(s) Year

Email body:

Free text that should contain a short description of the event and what is needed (see example below).

Replies to a specific GFP Support Service activation should have the same email subject by simply replying to the last email sent in relation to this event. This is necessary to group replies belonging to the same event in the GFP mailing list.

An example email for a GFP Support Service activation is shown below:

email gfp support

Data can be shared either by:

(1) simply attaching the relevant file to the email if not too big (maximum 5 MB),

(2) by providing a link to the data/tool or,

(3) by uploading the relevant data onto the Humanitarian Data Exchange (HDX) platform where a specific folder for the GFP has been created ( Please note that you have to register on the Humanitarian Data Exchange Platform and request organization membership before you can upload any data on the specific GFP folder. Furthermore, before sharing data through HDX GFP, we recommend reviewing the Terms of Service, the Guide to HDX Metadata and learning more about the Data Licenses the HDX platform offers.

How can I share data/information for a GFP Support Service activation?

How can I provide feedback for a specific GFP Support Service activation?

A request for feedback on GFP activations will be sent after each flood event through the GFP mailing list. The email will contain a link to an online form open to all list subscribers requesting feedback on the GFP support activation and any of the products used by practitioners. This feedback enables the GFP to continue to improve the Support Service and the development of data and models best suited to practitioner needs.

An example of what information the GFP Support Service can provide for a large scale event

Below you can find an example of the timeline and data and products delivered through the GFP mailing list for the floods caused by Hurricane Harvey in the US during August 2017.
More examples can also be found in Alfieri et al., 2018.

example of timeline and data and products


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