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A collection of meetings, conferences and other events organized by members of the GFP or where the GFP is represented.

Jul 2024
Nairobi, Kenya

GFP annual conference, Nairobi, Kenya, July 24-26th 2024

We are pleased to announce that the International GFP annual conference will be held this year in Nairobi, Kenya, July 24-26th, 2024. This annual conference will be organized with the support of the United Nations Office for Disaster Risk Reduction (UNDRR) and the African Union Commission (AUC). The conference, EW4ALL: Strengthening resilience against flooding - Know, Monitor, Communicate, Respond!, will feature sessions covering all four pillars of Early Warnings for ALL (EW4ALL): (i) Risk Knowledge, (ii) Monitoring and Warning, (iii) Communication and Dissemination, and (iv) Response and Recovery.


Registration is now closed.

Notice that no financial compensation for your attendance will be provided. 



You can download the final agenda of July 22th, 2024 here. The final agenda will be posted closer towards the meeting.


Conference language



Meeting Venue

The Trademark Hotel 

Limuru Road

Village Market, Gigiri

Nairobi, Kenya



  • Dr. Abdulkarim Seid, IWMI-Ethiopia
  • Dr. Bastian van den Bout, ITC, University of Twente, the Netherlands
  • Dr. Christopher Kusimba Masafu, University of Glasgow/Gallagher Re, UK
  • Dr. Marc Manyfika, WRI Africa, Rwanda
  • Dr. Lorenzo Alfieri, CIMA, Italy
  • Director Nancy Balfour, The Centre for Humanitarian Change (CHC), Kenya
  • Director Andre Kamga Koamouhoue, African Centre of Meteorological Applications for Development (ACMAD), Niger
  • Dr. Amjad Abbashar, UNDRR, Kenya
  • Dr. Phoebe Oduor, NASA-SERVIR, USA
  • Dr. Brigitte Gicharu, Women of Nature Initiative, Kenya
  • Dr. James Wanjohi Nyaga, RCMRD, Kenya
  • Dr. Christopher Sampson, Fathom, UK
  • Drs. Mathews Wakhungu and Allan Ouko, Kounkuey Design Initiative, Kenya
  • Ir. Dorien Lugt, HKV, the Netherlands
  • Ms. Elizabeth Mroz, University of Leeds, UK.


Poster guidelines

The poster boards are configured for up to 46" wide by 60" tall (portrait orientation) posters (116 cm wide by 152 cm tall). Anything larger than these dimensions will reduce the space of your colleagues so please be respectful of these poster dimensions.


Suggested hotels

We will soon release a booking code for the Tribe and Trademark hotels so that you can book your accommodation for a reduced price. You'll receive this by email. Once you receive this email, we suggest making a reservation for your accommodation at one of the following hotels:


Visa Information

VISA or Travel Authorization to Kenya: All visitors including infants and children who intend to travel to the Republic of Kenya must have an approved Electronic Travel Authorisation (eTA) before the start of their journey.


Please note that the Government of Kenya has amended the visa regulations by introducing the Electronic Travel Authorization (eTAand removed the visa requirements for all foreign nationals traveling to Kenya with effect from January 2024. All participants must have an approved eTA before the start of their journey. eTA applications for Kenya should be submitted at least 3 days prior to travel to ensure adequate time for authorization. Travellers can submit their applications up to 3 months prior to travel. It is highly recommended that travellers apply as soon as they have booked their accommodation and transport tickets. For information on health-related requirements for entering Kenya, please consult: WHO- International Travel & Health and Kenyan Ministry of Health – Arriving Travellers.

Please note that eTA for entering Kenya and registration for attending the GFP annual Conference are two separate procedures. Kindly note that successful registration to GFP annual Conference does not guarantee issuance of the eTA.



Starting time: Wed, 07/24/2024 - 08:00
Ending time: Fri, 07/26/2024 - 17:00
City: Nairobi, Kenya


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